30 Nov 2011

This year has seen our veggie garden go from strength to strength. The Stage 2 and Stage 3 Gardening Group have meticulously tended the garden under the watchful eye and guidance of Mrs Lacis. Through their efforts we have seen a bumper crop of huge broad beans, lettuce, radishes, parsley and carrots which today were all harvested.
Harvest Day was the culmination of a term's work by students in 3B, 3J, 4L and 4/5R where they have been learning about the benefits of healthy eating and the importance of eating a good selection of fresh vegetables. Students were involved in picking, washing and chopping the vegetables from the garden before making some tantalising tabouli, a fantastic broad bean dip as well as delicious wraps. There were smiles all round as the super fresh wraps were quickly devoured and cries for seconds could be heard across the playground.
With more than 87% of primary school aged students in NSW not eating the recommended amount of vegetables, any activity that promotes and encourages students to eat fresh wholesome foods has got to be a winner. There were certainly no complaints today about having to eat your veggies!