What is a P&C Association?
Parent and Citizens' Associations exist in almost every Public School in NSW. The purpose of the P&C in each school, is to bring the school, parents and the general community together. P&C Associations have existed for 150 years in one form or another. They are recognised by an Act of Parliament as the voice of parents with children in Public Schools. Participation in the P&C at Mount Colah Public School can make a significant difference to your child's education.
Why should I participate in the P&C?
Recent research has shown that parents participating in school activities is a vital component of a students' learning. For a child to understand how the school works, a child needs help from their parents. Parents will not understand how much things have changed at schools over the last few decades, unless they experience it, and become involved in school activities. Parents have a right to know and help in the development of plans and policies for the running of the school. This includes student welfare, discipline, finance, excursions and many others. Access to this knowledge, understanding and participation is available to every parent or carer of children at Mount Colah Public School.
Will I have to raise money?
P&C Associations are not required to raise money, however each year parent volunteers raise around $30 million across the state for use by their local schools.
The money raised by Mount Colah P&C is used to enhance the educational experiences of our children. By becoming involved in the P&C, you can help us to decide on the most appropriate means of fundraising as well as how the money is spent. Your role in organising fund raising activities is entirely optional.
The P&C raise their funds through an annual voluntary contribution known as the P&C Resource Fund which is collected in Term 1. Those that contribute receive the Year Book as part of their contribution.
Other fundraising endeavours that may occur include:
- Trivia night, Colour Run, book and cake stalls, Mother's and Father's Day stalls, School Disco, Movie Night and Spring Fair (2016).
Additionally, the P&C receives funds from Canteen and Uniform Shop sales.
Some recent examples of how funds have been spent to contribute to the school are:- providing shade shelters, play equipment, air conditioning, a giant fan for the school hall, classroom reading books and library resources, bike racks, a defibrillator machine, updating the artworks on the COLA area to create a new play space and giving students an end of term party day.
The P&C also supports the growing technology needs of the school with the purchase of netbooks, iPads, smart screens and as well as projectors.
What else does the P&C do?
The P&C provides a forum for discussion and feedback on a wide variety of issues including capital works, school events, technology needs, community support as well as discussion around the P&C led programmes.
The P&C runs a number of sub-committees including Canteen, Uniform Shop, Music Programme, Student Banking and Year Book. These programs are run on the generous and enthusiastic contribution of our volunteers.
From 2020 the P&C formally employed a Canteen Manager.
We encourage school social and community gatherings such as the Welcome BBQ, Cinema Under the Stars and an end of year volunteers thank you dinner.
Do I have to attend all meetings?
No, you do not have to attend all meetings, however, the more meetings you attend, the greater the input you can have into P&C decisions. All decisions are based on majority rule. You may also wish to suggest something that the school or P&C may wish to look at. This is done through emailing the P&C Executive or the P&C Secretary.
As well as the meetings there are all sorts of additional activities parents can assist with. It may be helping with reading groups, excursions, sporting functions, fund raising or becoming a committee member or an executive of the P&C. P&C insurance covers all P&C activities and the voluntary workers who participate.
How do I find out more?
P&C meetings are at 7:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month during school terms. The meetings are held in the staff room.
The P&C have an active Facebook page which all families ae invited to join and which is another forum for information and inquiries.
The P&C is open to everyone:- parents, caregivers, grandparents, teachers, students and members of the wider community. I encourage you to get involved in your children's school and join us in supporting our teachers in providing the best possible education for our children.
P&C Office Bearers
Constitution & By-Laws:
Nov 2010 (pdf, 69 KB)
Sub-Committee Documents of Understanding
Uniform Shop DOU 17-Nov-2009 (pdf, 27 KB)
Canteen DOU 27-Apr-2010 (pdf, 61 KB)
Music Program DOU 17-Jul-2011 (pdf, 108 KB)
Lucy Malone
2022 P&C President
ABN: 17 283 546 250