Mt Colah Public School provides many school services such as:
Before and After School Care
We only hear great things about our BASC! Not only does our centre provide fabulous supervisory care at a reasonable rate, they also provide a full range of activities for the children. The centre is open between 7.00am – 6.20pm Monday to Friday and also provides school holiday care programs. For full details please click here.
Our school canteen is open three days per week (Wednesday to Friday) and is operated by volunteers. We aim to provide nutritious meals at a reasonable cost and our menu options are guided by the Healthy Schools Canteen program. Want to know more? Click here.
Uniform Shop
We can provide our students with quality school uniforms at a competitive price. This service provides a convenient location for parents to purchase uniforms and many extras. We are open the first Wednesday of each month during school terms from 8:45 - 9:30am. For full details on all uniform items and more, please click here.
Music Program
The school offers an opportunity for the children to learn and play an instrument and eventually join one of our school bands. Tuition is available in many disciplines, such as guitar, saxophone, clarinet, flute, percussion and trumpet, with lessons conducted during the school day. Please email for more information.