Mount Colah Public School

Preparing Children for the Future

Telephone02 9477 3627

Kindergarten info

The Kindergarten 2026 page is still under construction.

Contact the school office if you have an enquiry.


School Tours are now available to book.

Our school invites parents and children looking to enrol or starting school to join one of our School Tours.  School tours will run for approximately 30 minutes. Our school leaders will take you on a tour of our beautiful school grounds and share important information. This is a great opportunity for your child to become more familiar with big school.

Our school tours will be held in Term 2 and Term 3.  To secure your spot please click here, places are limited.


Thursday 1 May

Is your child ready for school? Preparing for the transition into school is an exciting and important step in your child’s life. At Mount Colah Public School, we understand how crucial this time is and we want to support you in ensuring your child is set up for success. Join us for an informative session in our school library, where we’ll guide you through the key areas of school readiness. This session will help you identify whether your child is prepared for school and provide valuable insights on how you can support their transition. This session is perfect for parents of children who are about to start school or for those just thinking about the school journey ahead. You’ll also have the chance to connect with other parents and ask any questions you may have.

Bookings are essential - please click here to register.





Coming Soon...

  1. Enrolling your child at MCPS

  2. Getting ready for big school

  3. The practical stuff!

  4. Parent/carer Publications and information

Enrolling your child at MCPS

2026 Kindergarten Enrolments 

Enrolments for Kindergarten 2026 are now open.  We ask that if your child is coming to Mount Colah Public in 2026 that you please fill out an enrolment form .  Enrolments need to be completed if your child is to attend Kindergarten orientation in Term 4.  It will also greatly help us with planning classes for 2026.

Enrolment Form

The Department enrolment form must be completed by parents/carers to the school and must provide all other necessary documentation.  This includes:

  • original documents of child's passport/visa or birth certificate.
  • proof of residential address  - 100 point check (77.3 KB).
  • Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).  Children not vaccinated maybe excluded from school in the event of an infectious epidemic.
  • any family law or other relevant court orders, if applicable.
  • if your child has health, disability or other support needs you will need to provide the relevant documentation.


2025 Session Dates 

We would like your child to visit the school for all 3 sessions:

Tuesday 4 November, Wednesday 12 November and Thursday 20 November 2025

Tuesday and Wednesday sessions will be 9:15am - 10:45am.

Thursday session will be at 9:15am - 10:15am and includes a parent information session. 

For some children this will be their first contact with school while others, with older siblings, will find it a familiar environment. For all the children, this visit will mark the first time they are expected to be a "school child". We want it to be a happy experience and one where they develop positive feelings about their new school.

During their orientation visits your child will be encouraged to participate in some simple activities with other new Kindergarten children. Please try to prepare your child for these brief periods of separation. To help the children become independent we ask parents not to stay.

During the orientation sessions the Uniform Shop will be open to make purchases.


Thursday 20 November 2025 

From 9:15am

This session will provide parents with more specific information about kindergarten curriculum, classroom routines and Best Start Assessment. This session will be held in the library.




Getting Ready for Big School

Big School Story Time - Details Coming Soon

These are available throughout Term 2 and 3. Children will take part in a Story Time session with a kindergarten teacher in our school library, parents are requested to stay. These are optional sessions designed to help familiarise your child with big school.

The Practical Stuff.

The canteen

The canteen is facilitated by the school P&C who operate a cashless canteen. Orders can be placed through the QKR app - click here to find out more (link to existing canteen page:

Ordering uniforms

Uniforms can be ordered and then collected at Kindergarten orientation sessions. Please allow enough time to do this. Click here to find more information

Uniform Shop Policy and Price Lists

Essentials Pack

School bag

What to pack in your child's bag - can we have a photo of a MCPS school bag with a MCPS school hat, lunch box/drink bottle? 

Parent/carer publications and further information.

This can be all of the DET publications, such as fine motor PDF guides (what we have existing in the enrolment pack - all saved on the school TDrive).

Key Learning Areas K-6 - Insert the NESA KLA Wheel and link to finding our more syllabus information.

Enrolment Brochure - Can we create a general enrolment brochure (3 page folding brochure as pictured) that contains QR codes to link all of the information for parents (Canteen, uniform). This is a general enrolment brochure that will direct parents to use the information on the school website. Need to check with the office about what information to include. 


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