08 Oct 2011
Music program recruitment evening!
The Mount Colah Music Program will be holding a "hands-on" Recruitment Night for students to try out different musical instruments.
Tuesday 30th August 2011
7:00pm sharp in the School Hall (please enter through Pierre Close driveway)
Our very successful BEGINNER PROGRAM offers shared or group lessons to all new students. Lessons are held at school at a reduced rate to the parent. Depending on interest, we would like to offer lessons commencing Term 4, 2011. Private lessons are also available on request.
Interested? Please fill out the form below, and return to the Music Program Mail box in the school office foyer.
Music Program Recruitment Info (pdf, 271 KB)
Alternatively, please email us at musicprogram@mcpspandc.asn.au
Look forward to seeing you there!