02 Nov 2015

Last week saw our Stage 2 classes head off to Vision Valley for our first ever overnight camp but there were no signs of nerves as the children raucously waved goodbye to their parents. This set the tone for a fabulous camp with the children rising to the varied challenges that confronted them.
Activities were selected to take children outside their comfort zone and to help develop team work and cooperation skills. For some children, it was overcoming their fear of heights and dangling 20 metres in the air on the Possum Glide, for others it was being out on the pond in a canoe without an adult in control or it may have been the Giant Crate Stack that required teamwork and collaboration to achieve the goal. For some, just being away from mum and dad for a night was a huge challenge. But the children brought their sense of adventure and displayed great maturity and responsibility as they managed their belongings, successfully negotiated social interactions and shrugged off minor disappointments to ensure they got the most out of camp.
What a fantastic experience for our Stage 2 students! Here are a few quotes from the children to capture the mood.
Camp was my best time ever!
It was blast full of action packed fun!
Camp was just awesome!
The camp was just….wow! 10/10. There are no words to describe how wonderful it was.
Thank you for giving me the confidence to stay overnight. I had fun and I'm glad I stayed overnight.
Don't forget to check out the album for some great photos.